
A word to planet dwellers

Oolite is a freeware cross platform Elite style of game. It is a remake of the mother of all X4 games and has been around since before the Commodore 64, which I still own and resides on the attic at my grand's place. For more info on Oolite and Elite, go to the links page.

Oolite is very moddable which means you can make the game behave as you like visually and even gameplay wise if you know javascript programming. I am not much of a programmer, so I stick to the visual aspect of things. I will occasionally bend some of the programming written by other modders to incorporate in my mods, but alas, cannot write it from scratch.

This being said, I hope you will like the website and try out Oolite and the mods on display here.

Welcome to the Oolite Ooniverse.